Empty Wallet – A book recommendation

Empty Wallet – a corporate thriller.

Conceived and written by debut author Jagadish Jaganathan

Why should you read the book? I’ll give you two reasons why :
1. Descriptions aren’t flawed at all
Be it in the character sketches or the scenic/situational descriptions, or even the emotional and intellectual manipulations of the protagonist and other characters, this book delivers noteworthy descriptions.
2. The storyline
  • If a book can grab your attention
  • If a book can transport you to its story
  • If a book can stir in you emotions of sorts
  • If a book can portray reality as it is
    then really, the book is bound to have ‘something‘ that makes you want to read on…and that ‘something‘ is a good storyline. I like this book because it has such a realistic storyline.
I’d definitely recommend this debut, without overlooking the fact that it turned out to be a well-thought-out fiction.