9 things I just can't handle

9. People taking pictures of me without my knowledge

I think we all hate this because not all of us have a candid personality. 

8. People sharing my pictures on social media without my prior consent

Yeah, even if it's a group picture, I tend to report to Fb and make them take it down...lol. 

7. People telling me what to be and how to be

I feel like nobody acknowledges originality enough and constantly nag me on how to do things and what to do etc. Don't steal my experiences,  I'd rather learn from my experiences than from someone else's.  

6. When someone touches my things

Oh you've no idea how my heart beats fast and how anxious I get when someone, anyone,  touches my things. Even stationery for that matter!

5. Sharing food

I'm not a foodie, I'm a poor eater, but when it comes to what's on my plate, it's mine! You don't ask for it and you don't expect me to share, because I simply won't. Exception is made where I really love someone that much to share food! 

4. Gossip and gossip queens

Gossip because it's simply pointless. Gossip Queens because they overact and overreact....that's too much drama. 

3. People who complain but are not bold enough to solve their own problems

Oh I definitely can't handle them, I just can't hear another word of theirs. Who would like someone always complaining about their problem which they can solve, but they won't solve it themselves nor will let someone else solve it....for a simple reason that they are too cowardly and care for reputation.  

2. Discrimination and racism

Especially with regard to complexion, caste, and religion. Those people still exist? Sadly, yes,  they do.

1. Wet bathrooms and toilets! 

This takes number 1 position in this list of things I just can't handle. Right, I can't handle wet bathroom floors or wet toilet tiles. Even if it's a clean and just washed bathroom or toilet!

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